General Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents
Most Frequent Teammates
68.97%40 of 58 games won
80.00%32 of 40 games won
100.00%10 of 10 games won
100.00%6 of 6 games won
Civilization Statistics
Overall Best Civilization
Berbers74.29% winrate
Overall Worst Civilization
Berbers74.29% winrate
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Berbers70 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Berbers70 of 76 games (92.11%)
Franks2 of 76 games (2.63%)
Japanese2 of 76 games (2.63%)
Persians2 of 76 games (2.63%)
Winrates By Civilization
Berbers52 of 70 games won (74.29%)
Map Statistics
Absolute Favorite Map
Sandbank16 plays in total
Most Played Maps
Sandbank16 of 76 games (21.05%)
Team Islands14 of 76 games (18.42%)
Team Moats6 of 76 games (7.89%)
Arabia4 of 76 games (5.26%)
Yucatan4 of 76 games (5.26%)
[map.unknown]4 of 76 games (5.26%)
BR Fall of Axum2 of 76 games (2.63%)
Amazon Tunnel2 of 76 games (2.63%)
Crossroads2 of 76 games (2.63%)
Michi2 of 76 games (2.63%)