General Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents
33.33%4 of 12 games won
25.00%2 of 8 games won
0.00%0 of 4 games won
Most Frequent Teammates
55.81%48 of 86 games won
50.00%26 of 52 games won
65.22%30 of 46 games won
35.29%12 of 34 games won
Civilization Statistics
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Vikings14 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Vikings14 of 102 games (13.73%)
Mongols14 of 102 games (13.73%)
Hindustanis14 of 102 games (13.73%)
Spanish10 of 102 games (9.80%)
Slavs8 of 102 games (7.84%)
Persians6 of 102 games (5.88%)
Huns6 of 102 games (5.88%)
Turks4 of 102 games (3.92%)
Teutons4 of 102 games (3.92%)
Portuguese4 of 102 games (3.92%)
Winrates By Civilization
Map Statistics
Overall Best Map
Arena57.89% winrate
Overall Worst Map
Arena57.89% winrate
Absolute Favorite Map
Arena38 plays in total
Most Played Maps
Arena38 of 102 games (37.25%)
Black Forest18 of 102 games (17.65%)
Team Islands12 of 102 games (11.76%)
Amazon Tunnel10 of 102 games (9.80%)
Coastal8 of 102 games (7.84%)
Archipelago4 of 102 games (3.92%)
Greenland2 of 102 games (1.96%)
Frigid Lake2 of 102 games (1.96%)
Mediterranean2 of 102 games (1.96%)
Highland2 of 102 games (1.96%)
Winrates By Map
Arena22 of 38 games won (57.89%)