General Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents
0.00%0 of 4 games won
100.00%2 of 2 games won
0.00%0 of 2 games won
100.00%2 of 2 games won
Most Frequent Teammates
100.00%2 of 2 games won
0.00%0 of 2 games won
100.00%2 of 2 games won
0.00%0 of 2 games won
Civilization Statistics
Overall Best Civilization
Mayans63.64% winrate
Overall Worst Civilization
Mayans63.64% winrate
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Mayans22 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Mayans22 of 87 games (25.29%)
Franks14 of 87 games (16.09%)
Aztecs11 of 87 games (12.64%)
Goths10 of 87 games (11.49%)
Britons5 of 87 games (5.75%)
Saracens3 of 87 games (3.45%)
Italians3 of 87 games (3.45%)
Koreans3 of 87 games (3.45%)
Chinese2 of 87 games (2.30%)
Malians2 of 87 games (2.30%)
Winrates By Civilization
Mayans14 of 22 games won (63.64%)
Map Statistics
Overall Best Map
Arabia53.13% winrate
Overall Worst Map
Arabia53.13% winrate
Absolute Favorite Map
Arabia32 plays in total
Most Played Maps
Arabia32 of 76 games (42.11%)
Nomad12 of 76 games (15.79%)
Arena8 of 76 games (10.53%)
MegaRandom8 of 76 games (10.53%)
Oasis4 of 76 games (5.26%)
Lombardia4 of 76 games (5.26%)
Land Nomad2 of 76 games (2.63%)
Baltic2 of 76 games (2.63%)
Scandinavia2 of 76 games (2.63%)
[map.unknown]2 of 76 games (2.63%)
Winrates By Map
Arabia17 of 32 games won (53.13%)