General Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents
33.33%34 of 102 games won
33.33%18 of 54 games won
50.00%20 of 40 games won
14.29%4 of 28 games won
Most Frequent Teammates
32.14%54 of 168 games won
26.32%10 of 38 games won
33.33%6 of 18 games won
20.00%2 of 10 games won
Civilization Statistics
Overall Best Civilization
Malians36.36% winrate
Overall Worst Civilization
Malians36.36% winrate
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Malians44 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Malians44 of 230 games (19.13%)
Franks12 of 230 games (5.22%)
Celts12 of 230 games (5.22%)
Aztecs10 of 230 games (4.35%)
Bulgarians10 of 230 games (4.35%)
Vietnamese10 of 230 games (4.35%)
Burmese10 of 230 games (4.35%)
Khmer8 of 230 games (3.48%)
Italians8 of 230 games (3.48%)
Malay8 of 230 games (3.48%)
Winrates By Civilization
Malians16 of 44 games won (36.36%)
Map Statistics
Overall Best Map
MegaRandom29.17% winrate
Overall Worst Map
MegaRandom29.17% winrate
Absolute Favorite Map
MegaRandom48 plays in total
Most Played Maps
MegaRandom48 of 230 games (20.87%)
Lowland16 of 230 games (6.96%)
Amazon Tunnel14 of 230 games (6.09%)
Steppe12 of 230 games (5.22%)
Yucatan8 of 230 games (3.48%)
Meadow6 of 230 games (2.61%)
Lombardia6 of 230 games (2.61%)
Coastal Forest6 of 230 games (2.61%)
Black Forest6 of 230 games (2.61%)
Land Madness6 of 230 games (2.61%)
Winrates By Map
MegaRandom14 of 48 games won (29.17%)