General Statistics
Most Frequent Teammates
76.74%66 of 86 games won
75.00%54 of 72 games won
61.11%22 of 36 games won
64.71%22 of 34 games won
Civilization Statistics
Overall Best Civilization
Spanish70.00% winrate
Overall Worst Civilization
Khmer70.00% winrate
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Spanish20 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Spanish20 of 92 games (21.74%)
Khmer20 of 92 games (21.74%)
Portuguese8 of 92 games (8.70%)
Goths8 of 92 games (8.70%)
Persians8 of 92 games (8.70%)
Koreans6 of 92 games (6.52%)
Britons4 of 92 games (4.35%)
Magyars2 of 92 games (2.17%)
Japanese2 of 92 games (2.17%)
Chinese2 of 92 games (2.17%)
Winrates By Civilization
Spanish14 of 20 games won (70.00%)
Khmer14 of 20 games won (70.00%)
Map Statistics
Overall Best Map
MegaRandom86.96% winrate
Overall Worst Map
MegaRandom86.96% winrate
Absolute Favorite Map
MegaRandom46 plays in total
Most Played Maps
MegaRandom46 of 92 games (50.00%)
Black Forest8 of 92 games (8.70%)
Arena6 of 92 games (6.52%)
Seize The Mountain4 of 92 games (4.35%)
Arabia4 of 92 games (4.35%)
Canyons4 of 92 games (4.35%)
Nomad2 of 92 games (2.17%)
Hill Fort2 of 92 games (2.17%)
Greenland2 of 92 games (2.17%)
Socotra2 of 92 games (2.17%)
Winrates By Map
MegaRandom40 of 46 games won (86.96%)