General Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents
50.00%2 of 4 games won
0.00%0 of 4 games won
50.00%2 of 4 games won
0.00%0 of 2 games won
Most Frequent Teammates
52.54%186 of 354 games won
47.25%86 of 182 games won
43.55%54 of 124 games won
44.64%50 of 112 games won
Civilization Statistics
Overall Best Civilization
Huns78.57% winrate
Overall Worst Civilization
Japanese50.00% winrate
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Saracens30 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Saracens30 of 390 games (7.69%)
Huns28 of 390 games (7.18%)
Goths24 of 390 games (6.15%)
Japanese20 of 390 games (5.13%)
Teutons18 of 390 games (4.62%)
Mongols18 of 390 games (4.62%)
Khmer18 of 390 games (4.62%)
Chinese16 of 390 games (4.10%)
Franks14 of 390 games (3.59%)
Spanish14 of 390 games (3.59%)
Winrates By Civilization
Huns22 of 28 games won (78.57%)
Saracens20 of 30 games won (66.67%)
Goths16 of 24 games won (66.67%)
Japanese10 of 20 games won (50.00%)
Map Statistics
Overall Best Map
[map.unknown]68.63% winrate
Overall Worst Map
Fortress36.84% winrate
Absolute Favorite Map
MegaRandom132 plays in total
Most Played Maps
MegaRandom132 of 390 games (33.85%)
[map.unknown]102 of 390 games (26.15%)
Land Nomad52 of 390 games (13.33%)
Fortress38 of 390 games (9.74%)
Michi34 of 390 games (8.72%)
Full Random4 of 390 games (1.03%)
Black Forest4 of 390 games (1.03%)
Hamburger2 of 390 games (0.51%)
Coastal Forest2 of 390 games (0.51%)
Crossroads2 of 390 games (0.51%)
Winrates By Map
[map.unknown]70 of 102 games won (68.63%)
Michi20 of 34 games won (58.82%)
Land Nomad24 of 52 games won (46.15%)
MegaRandom54 of 132 games won (40.91%)
Fortress14 of 38 games won (36.84%)