General Statistics
Most Frequent Teammates
100.00%10 of 10 games won
Civilization Statistics
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Persians10 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Persians10 of 56 games (17.86%)
Franks10 of 56 games (17.86%)
Khmer10 of 56 games (17.86%)
Japanese6 of 56 games (10.71%)
Koreans6 of 56 games (10.71%)
Mongols6 of 56 games (10.71%)
Cumans4 of 56 games (7.14%)
Mayans2 of 56 games (3.57%)
Gurjaras2 of 56 games (3.57%)
Winrates By Civilization
Map Statistics
Overall Best Map
Black Forest93.75% winrate
Overall Worst Map
Black Forest93.75% winrate
Absolute Favorite Map
Black Forest32 plays in total
Most Played Maps
Black Forest32 of 56 games (57.14%)
[map.unknown]8 of 56 games (14.29%)
Fortress6 of 56 games (10.71%)
Coastal4 of 56 games (7.14%)
Islands2 of 56 games (3.57%)
Socotra2 of 56 games (3.57%)
Water Nomad2 of 56 games (3.57%)
Winrates By Map
Black Forest30 of 32 games won (93.75%)