General Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents
33.33%2 of 6 games won
0.00%0 of 4 games won
0.00%0 of 2 games won
0.00%0 of 2 games won
Most Frequent Teammates
8.33%1 of 12 games won
0.00%0 of 8 games won
0.00%0 of 2 games won
0.00%0 of 2 games won
Civilization Statistics
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Khmer7 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Khmer7 of 28 games (25.00%)
Huns3 of 28 games (10.71%)
Chinese2 of 28 games (7.14%)
Goths2 of 28 games (7.14%)
Cumans2 of 28 games (7.14%)
Ethiopians2 of 28 games (7.14%)
Koreans2 of 28 games (7.14%)
Malay2 of 28 games (7.14%)
Slavs2 of 28 games (7.14%)
Aztecs2 of 28 games (7.14%)
Winrates By Civilization
Map Statistics
Absolute Favorite Map
Arena4 plays in total
Most Played Maps
Arena4 of 31 games (12.90%)
Lombardia4 of 31 games (12.90%)
Arabia3 of 31 games (9.68%)
Nomad2 of 31 games (6.45%)
Coastal2 of 31 games (6.45%)
Crater Lake2 of 31 games (6.45%)
City of Lakes2 of 31 games (6.45%)
Four Lakes2 of 31 games (6.45%)
Amazon Tunnel2 of 31 games (6.45%)
Ring Fortress2 of 31 games (6.45%)