General Statistics
Most Frequent Teammates
63.27%62 of 98 games won
Civilization Statistics
Overall Best Civilization
Huns50.00% winrate
Overall Worst Civilization
Saracens46.67% winrate
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Saracens30 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Saracens30 of 112 games (26.79%)
Huns24 of 112 games (21.43%)
Lithuanians14 of 112 games (12.50%)
Goths8 of 112 games (7.14%)
Khmer6 of 112 games (5.36%)
Tatars6 of 112 games (5.36%)
Franks6 of 112 games (5.36%)
Magyars4 of 112 games (3.57%)
Persians4 of 112 games (3.57%)
Japanese4 of 112 games (3.57%)
Winrates By Civilization
Huns12 of 24 games won (50.00%)
Saracens14 of 30 games won (46.67%)
Map Statistics
Overall Best Map
[map.unknown]63.27% winrate
Overall Worst Map
[map.unknown]63.27% winrate
Absolute Favorite Map
[map.unknown]98 plays in total
Most Played Maps
[map.unknown]98 of 112 games (87.50%)
Coastal14 of 112 games (12.50%)
Winrates By Map
[map.unknown]62 of 98 games won (63.27%)