General Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents
Most Frequent Teammates
38.46%10 of 26 games won
40.00%8 of 20 games won
57.14%8 of 14 games won
66.67%4 of 6 games won
Civilization Statistics
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Huns6 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Huns6 of 26 games (23.08%)
Chinese2 of 26 games (7.69%)
Cumans2 of 26 games (7.69%)
Hindustanis2 of 26 games (7.69%)
Magyars2 of 26 games (7.69%)
Mayans2 of 26 games (7.69%)
Mongols2 of 26 games (7.69%)
Poles2 of 26 games (7.69%)
Portuguese2 of 26 games (7.69%)
Britons2 of 26 games (7.69%)
Winrates By Civilization
Map Statistics
Absolute Favorite Map
Lombardia6 plays in total
Most Played Maps
Lombardia6 of 26 games (23.08%)
Coastal4 of 26 games (15.38%)
Kilimanjaro4 of 26 games (15.38%)
Arabia4 of 26 games (15.38%)
Indochina2 of 26 games (7.69%)
Highland2 of 26 games (7.69%)
Amazon Tunnel2 of 26 games (7.69%)
Enclosed2 of 26 games (7.69%)