General Statistics
Civilization Statistics
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Japanese8 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Japanese8 of 98 games (8.16%)
Celts6 of 98 games (6.12%)
Vietnamese6 of 98 games (6.12%)
Aztecs4 of 98 games (4.08%)
Berbers4 of 98 games (4.08%)
Burmese4 of 98 games (4.08%)
Hindustanis4 of 98 games (4.08%)
Khmer4 of 98 games (4.08%)
Koreans4 of 98 games (4.08%)
Lithuanians4 of 98 games (4.08%)
Winrates By Civilization
Map Statistics
Overall Best Map
MegaRandom92.31% winrate
Overall Worst Map
MegaRandom92.31% winrate
Absolute Favorite Map
MegaRandom26 plays in total
Most Played Maps
MegaRandom26 of 98 games (26.53%)
Wolf Hill6 of 98 games (6.12%)
Rivers6 of 98 games (6.12%)
Acropolis6 of 98 games (6.12%)
Amazon Tunnel4 of 98 games (4.08%)
Black Forest4 of 98 games (4.08%)
Coastal4 of 98 games (4.08%)
Salt Marsh4 of 98 games (4.08%)
Hamburger4 of 98 games (4.08%)
Mountain Ridge4 of 98 games (4.08%)
Winrates By Map
MegaRandom24 of 26 games won (92.31%)