General Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents
Most Frequent Teammates
59.74%92 of 154 games won
70.00%42 of 60 games won
64.00%32 of 50 games won
Civilization Statistics
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Poles12 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Poles12 of 206 games (5.83%)
Portuguese12 of 206 games (5.83%)
Persians12 of 206 games (5.83%)
Cumans10 of 206 games (4.85%)
Bengalis10 of 206 games (4.85%)
Goths10 of 206 games (4.85%)
Turks9 of 206 games (4.37%)
Sicilians8 of 206 games (3.88%)
Burgundians8 of 206 games (3.88%)
Mayans8 of 206 games (3.88%)
Winrates By Civilization
Map Statistics
Overall Best Map
Amazon Tunnel91.67% winrate
Overall Worst Map
MegaRandom59.68% winrate
Absolute Favorite Map
MegaRandom62 plays in total
Most Played Maps
MegaRandom62 of 165 games (37.58%)
Amazon Tunnel24 of 165 games (14.55%)
[map.unknown]22 of 165 games (13.33%)
Hideout22 of 165 games (13.33%)
Arena13 of 165 games (7.88%)
Hill Fort4 of 165 games (2.42%)
Mongolia4 of 165 games (2.42%)
Yucatan2 of 165 games (1.21%)
Ghost Lake2 of 165 games (1.21%)
Serengeti2 of 165 games (1.21%)
Winrates By Map
Amazon Tunnel22 of 24 games won (91.67%)
[map.unknown]18 of 22 games won (81.82%)
Hideout16 of 22 games won (72.73%)
MegaRandom37 of 62 games won (59.68%)