General Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents
80.00%8 of 10 games won
0.00%0 of 6 games won
66.67%4 of 6 games won
Most Frequent Teammates
57.14%40 of 70 games won
65.71%46 of 70 games won
58.14%25 of 43 games won
100.00%4 of 4 games won
Civilization Statistics
Overall Best Civilization
Franks65.38% winrate
Overall Worst Civilization
Ethiopians58.33% winrate
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Franks26 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Franks26 of 203 games (12.81%)
Ethiopians24 of 203 games (11.82%)
Spanish18 of 203 games (8.87%)
Britons15 of 203 games (7.39%)
Goths14 of 203 games (6.90%)
Poles12 of 203 games (5.91%)
Cumans9 of 203 games (4.43%)
Malay5 of 203 games (2.46%)
Lithuanians5 of 203 games (2.46%)
Saracens5 of 203 games (2.46%)
Winrates By Civilization
Franks17 of 26 games won (65.38%)
Ethiopians14 of 24 games won (58.33%)
Map Statistics
Overall Best Map
Amazon Tunnel66.67% winrate
Overall Worst Map
Arabia55.56% winrate
Absolute Favorite Map
Amazon Tunnel36 plays in total
Most Played Maps
Amazon Tunnel36 of 237 games (15.19%)
Black Forest32 of 237 games (13.50%)
Arabia27 of 237 games (11.39%)
Shoals16 of 237 games (6.75%)
Kawasan14 of 237 games (5.91%)
[map.unknown]12 of 237 games (5.06%)
Enclosed11 of 237 games (4.64%)
Michi10 of 237 games (4.22%)
Baltic10 of 237 games (4.22%)
Morass8 of 237 games (3.38%)
Winrates By Map
Amazon Tunnel24 of 36 games won (66.67%)
Black Forest20 of 32 games won (62.50%)
Arabia15 of 27 games won (55.56%)