General Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents
35.71%10 of 28 games won
22.22%4 of 18 games won
16.67%2 of 12 games won
Most Frequent Teammates
71.05%54 of 76 games won
82.35%28 of 34 games won
75.00%12 of 16 games won
Civilization Statistics
Overall Best Civilization
Spanish63.64% winrate
Overall Worst Civilization
Spanish63.64% winrate
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Spanish44 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Spanish44 of 90 games (48.89%)
Portuguese6 of 90 games (6.67%)
Goths6 of 90 games (6.67%)
Bohemians6 of 90 games (6.67%)
Ethiopians4 of 90 games (4.44%)
Cumans4 of 90 games (4.44%)
Bulgarians4 of 90 games (4.44%)
Vikings2 of 90 games (2.22%)
Teutons2 of 90 games (2.22%)
Tatars2 of 90 games (2.22%)
Winrates By Civilization
Spanish28 of 44 games won (63.64%)
Map Statistics
Overall Best Map
Yucatan70.00% winrate
Overall Worst Map
Yucatan70.00% winrate
Absolute Favorite Map
Yucatan40 plays in total
Most Played Maps
Yucatan40 of 87 games (45.98%)
[map.unknown]19 of 87 games (21.84%)
Earth8 of 87 games (9.20%)
Lombardia8 of 87 games (9.20%)
Socotra4 of 87 games (4.60%)
Black Forest4 of 87 games (4.60%)
Michi2 of 87 games (2.30%)
MegaRandom2 of 87 games (2.30%)
Winrates By Map
Yucatan28 of 40 games won (70.00%)