General Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents
0.00%0 of 2 games won
0.00%0 of 2 games won
0.00%0 of 2 games won
0.00%0 of 2 games won
Most Frequent Teammates
100.00%2 of 2 games won
100.00%2 of 2 games won
0.00%0 of 2 games won
0.00%0 of 2 games won
Civilization Statistics
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Goths6 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Goths6 of 17 games (35.29%)
Burgundians4 of 17 games (23.53%)
Vietnamese3 of 17 games (17.65%)
Franks2 of 17 games (11.76%)
Huns2 of 17 games (11.76%)
Winrates By Civilization
Map Statistics
Absolute Favorite Map
Arabia4 plays in total
Most Played Maps
Arabia4 of 14 games (28.57%)
Black Forest4 of 14 games (28.57%)
Arena4 of 14 games (28.57%)
Front Line2 of 14 games (14.29%)