General Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents
100.00%4 of 4 games won
100.00%4 of 4 games won
100.00%2 of 2 games won
0.00%0 of 2 games won
Most Frequent Teammates
66.67%12 of 18 games won
88.24%15 of 17 games won
85.71%12 of 14 games won
50.00%2 of 4 games won
Civilization Statistics
Overall Best Civilization
Sicilians62.50% winrate
Overall Worst Civilization
Sicilians62.50% winrate
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Sicilians40 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Sicilians40 of 99 games (40.40%)
Cumans17 of 99 games (17.17%)
Bulgarians8 of 99 games (8.08%)
Mongols4 of 99 games (4.04%)
Byzantines4 of 99 games (4.04%)
Goths4 of 99 games (4.04%)
Turks3 of 99 games (3.03%)
Burgundians3 of 99 games (3.03%)
Koreans2 of 99 games (2.02%)
Poles2 of 99 games (2.02%)
Winrates By Civilization
Sicilians25 of 40 games won (62.50%)
Map Statistics
Overall Best Map
Arabia63.16% winrate
Overall Worst Map
Arabia63.16% winrate
Absolute Favorite Map
Arabia38 plays in total
Most Played Maps
Arabia38 of 91 games (41.76%)
Arena7 of 91 games (7.69%)
MegaRandom6 of 91 games (6.59%)
[map.unknown]6 of 91 games (6.59%)
Socotra5 of 91 games (5.49%)
Runestones4 of 91 games (4.40%)
Golden Pit4 of 91 games (4.40%)
Steppe4 of 91 games (4.40%)
Crater4 of 91 games (4.40%)
Amazon Tunnel3 of 91 games (3.30%)
Winrates By Map
Arabia24 of 38 games won (63.16%)