General Statistics
Civilization Statistics
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Burgundians18 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Burgundians18 of 105 games (17.14%)
Spanish12 of 105 games (11.43%)
Berbers8 of 105 games (7.62%)
Goths7 of 105 games (6.67%)
Bengalis6 of 105 games (5.71%)
Hindustanis6 of 105 games (5.71%)
Britons5 of 105 games (4.76%)
Japanese4 of 105 games (3.81%)
Mayans4 of 105 games (3.81%)
Dravidians3 of 105 games (2.86%)
Winrates By Civilization
Map Statistics
Overall Best Map
Arena86.96% winrate
Overall Worst Map
Arena86.96% winrate
Absolute Favorite Map
Arena23 plays in total
Most Played Maps
Arena23 of 96 games (23.96%)
Black Forest16 of 96 games (16.67%)
Arabia9 of 96 games (9.38%)
Nomad8 of 96 games (8.33%)
Full Random8 of 96 games (8.33%)
Land Nomad8 of 96 games (8.33%)
Amazon Tunnel6 of 96 games (6.25%)
Michi6 of 96 games (6.25%)
Gold Rush2 of 96 games (2.08%)
Four Lakes2 of 96 games (2.08%)
Winrates By Map
Arena20 of 23 games won (86.96%)