General Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents
44.44%8 of 18 games won
Most Frequent Teammates
40.00%24 of 60 games won
66.67%24 of 36 games won
100.00%2 of 2 games won
Civilization Statistics
Overall Best Civilization
Vikings63.64% winrate
Overall Worst Civilization
Vikings63.64% winrate
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Vikings22 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Vikings22 of 92 games (23.91%)
Aztecs16 of 92 games (17.39%)
Poles14 of 92 games (15.22%)
Mayans12 of 92 games (13.04%)
Japanese12 of 92 games (13.04%)
Malians10 of 92 games (10.87%)
Huns2 of 92 games (2.17%)
Lithuanians2 of 92 games (2.17%)
Bohemians2 of 92 games (2.17%)
Winrates By Civilization
Vikings14 of 22 games won (63.64%)
Map Statistics
Overall Best Map
Aral Sea53.33% winrate
Overall Worst Map
Aral Sea53.33% winrate
Absolute Favorite Map
Aral Sea30 plays in total
Most Played Maps
Aral Sea30 of 92 games (32.61%)
Yucatan16 of 92 games (17.39%)
Black Sea16 of 92 games (17.39%)
Serengeti6 of 92 games (6.52%)
MegaRandom2 of 92 games (2.17%)
Amazon Tunnel2 of 92 games (2.17%)
Greenland2 of 92 games (2.17%)
Mediterranean2 of 92 games (2.17%)
Shoals2 of 92 games (2.17%)
Mideast2 of 92 games (2.17%)
Winrates By Map
Aral Sea16 of 30 games won (53.33%)