General Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents
Most Frequent Teammates
77.78%14 of 18 games won
85.71%12 of 14 games won
66.67%8 of 12 games won
0.00%0 of 4 games won
Civilization Statistics
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Khmer10 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Khmer10 of 40 games (25.00%)
Goths7 of 40 games (17.50%)
Bohemians4 of 40 games (10.00%)
Sicilians3 of 40 games (7.50%)
Huns2 of 40 games (5.00%)
Spanish2 of 40 games (5.00%)
Japanese2 of 40 games (5.00%)
Mayans2 of 40 games (5.00%)
Poles2 of 40 games (5.00%)
Portuguese2 of 40 games (5.00%)
Winrates By Civilization
Map Statistics
Absolute Favorite Map
MegaRandom8 plays in total
Most Played Maps
MegaRandom8 of 44 games (18.18%)
Black Forest6 of 44 games (13.64%)
Arabia4 of 44 games (9.09%)
Four Lakes4 of 44 games (9.09%)
Oasis2 of 44 games (4.55%)
Valley2 of 44 games (4.55%)
Land Nomad2 of 44 games (4.55%)
Acropolis2 of 44 games (4.55%)
Cenotes2 of 44 games (4.55%)
Michi2 of 44 games (4.55%)