General Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents
0.00%0 of 2 games won
0.00%0 of 2 games won
0.00%0 of 2 games won
Most Frequent Teammates
87.50%14 of 16 games won
50.00%2 of 4 games won
50.00%2 of 4 games won
Civilization Statistics
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Chinese15 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Chinese15 of 191 games (7.85%)
Goths13 of 191 games (6.81%)
Britons12 of 191 games (6.28%)
Teutons12 of 191 games (6.28%)
Incas11 of 191 games (5.76%)
Vietnamese11 of 191 games (5.76%)
Huns10 of 191 games (5.24%)
Japanese9 of 191 games (4.71%)
Magyars9 of 191 games (4.71%)
Persians9 of 191 games (4.71%)
Winrates By Civilization
Map Statistics
Overall Best Map
[map.unknown]73.68% winrate
Overall Worst Map
Arena10.00% winrate
Absolute Favorite Map
Black Forest92 plays in total
Most Played Maps
Black Forest92 of 186 games (49.46%)
[map.unknown]38 of 186 games (20.43%)
Arena20 of 186 games (10.75%)
Nomad6 of 186 games (3.23%)
Lombardia6 of 186 games (3.23%)
African Clearing4 of 186 games (2.15%)
Arabia4 of 186 games (2.15%)
Earth4 of 186 games (2.15%)
Golden Pit2 of 186 games (1.08%)
Scandinavia2 of 186 games (1.08%)
Winrates By Map
[map.unknown]28 of 38 games won (73.68%)
Black Forest42 of 92 games won (45.65%)
Arena2 of 20 games won (10.00%)