General Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents
42.86%6 of 14 games won
16.67%2 of 12 games won
33.33%4 of 12 games won
50.00%4 of 8 games won
Most Frequent Teammates
14.29%2 of 14 games won
30.77%4 of 13 games won
41.67%5 of 12 games won
50.00%4 of 8 games won
Civilization Statistics
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Mayans4 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Mayans4 of 37 games (10.81%)
Franks4 of 37 games (10.81%)
Mongols4 of 37 games (10.81%)
Incas3 of 37 games (8.11%)
Spanish3 of 37 games (8.11%)
Tatars3 of 37 games (8.11%)
Huns2 of 37 games (5.41%)
Malians2 of 37 games (5.41%)
Portuguese2 of 37 games (5.41%)
Saracens2 of 37 games (5.41%)
Winrates By Civilization
Map Statistics
Absolute Favorite Map
Four Lakes8 plays in total
Most Played Maps
Four Lakes8 of 39 games (20.51%)
MegaRandom5 of 39 games (12.82%)
Arena4 of 39 games (10.26%)
Black Forest2 of 39 games (5.13%)
Kawasan2 of 39 games (5.13%)
Salt Marsh2 of 39 games (5.13%)
Nomad2 of 39 games (5.13%)
Cenotes2 of 39 games (5.13%)
Lombardia2 of 39 games (5.13%)
Steppe2 of 39 games (5.13%)