General Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents
37.04%20 of 54 games won
35.71%10 of 28 games won
22.22%4 of 18 games won
Most Frequent Teammates
74.19%92 of 124 games won
76.00%76 of 100 games won
78.95%30 of 38 games won
75.00%12 of 16 games won
Civilization Statistics
Overall Best Civilization
Burgundians69.23% winrate
Overall Worst Civilization
Huns64.81% winrate
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Huns108 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Huns108 of 198 games (54.55%)
Burgundians26 of 198 games (13.13%)
Spanish12 of 198 games (6.06%)
Khmer10 of 198 games (5.05%)
Persians8 of 198 games (4.04%)
Magyars6 of 198 games (3.03%)
Lithuanians4 of 198 games (2.02%)
Gurjaras4 of 198 games (2.02%)
Dravidians4 of 198 games (2.02%)
Byzantines4 of 198 games (2.02%)
Winrates By Civilization
Burgundians18 of 26 games won (69.23%)
Huns70 of 108 games won (64.81%)
Map Statistics
Overall Best Map
Yucatan64.10% winrate
Overall Worst Map
Yucatan64.10% winrate
Absolute Favorite Map
Yucatan156 plays in total
Most Played Maps
Yucatan156 of 197 games (79.19%)
[map.unknown]19 of 197 games (9.64%)
Earth8 of 197 games (4.06%)
Lombardia4 of 197 games (2.03%)
Socotra2 of 197 games (1.02%)
Morass2 of 197 games (1.02%)
Amazon Tunnel2 of 197 games (1.02%)
Four Lakes2 of 197 games (1.02%)
Budapest2 of 197 games (1.02%)
Winrates By Map
Yucatan100 of 156 games won (64.10%)