General Statistics
Civilization Statistics
Overall Best Civilization
Aztecs95.00% winrate
Overall Worst Civilization
Cumans84.62% winrate
Absolute Favorite Civilization
Cumans26 plays in total
Most Played Civilizations
Cumans26 of 151 games (17.22%)
Aztecs20 of 151 games (13.25%)
Teutons16 of 151 games (10.60%)
Khmer12 of 151 games (7.95%)
Franks9 of 151 games (5.96%)
Persians8 of 151 games (5.30%)
Malians8 of 151 games (5.30%)
Ethiopians8 of 151 games (5.30%)
Portuguese7 of 151 games (4.64%)
Koreans6 of 151 games (3.97%)
Winrates By Civilization
Aztecs19 of 20 games won (95.00%)
Cumans22 of 26 games won (84.62%)
Map Statistics
Overall Best Map
Arabia88.57% winrate
Overall Worst Map
Arena56.25% winrate
Absolute Favorite Map
Nomad38 plays in total
Most Played Maps
Nomad38 of 145 games (26.21%)
Arabia35 of 145 games (24.14%)
Arena32 of 145 games (22.07%)
Oasis10 of 145 games (6.90%)
Valley6 of 145 games (4.14%)
Land Nomad6 of 145 games (4.14%)
Hideout4 of 145 games (2.76%)
Golden Pit2 of 145 games (1.38%)
Steppe2 of 145 games (1.38%)
Black Forest2 of 145 games (1.38%)
Winrates By Map
Arabia31 of 35 games won (88.57%)
Nomad26 of 38 games won (68.42%)
Arena18 of 32 games won (56.25%)